Carolyn Elliott Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 10 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Carolyn Elliott.
Famous Quotes By Carolyn Elliott

There is a very pervasive web of falsehoods that the dreamer must wake from in order to start on her path. These are the lies of the mad world, the system of delusion maintained by human drama and ignorance. — Carolyn Elliott

What I teach is a process of becoming a soulmaker. Soulmaking, as John Keats noted, is the work of creating our unique bliss. In this process, we liberate our creativity and our joy, our power and our purpose. We become imaginatively rich and spiritually vibrant. The interesting thing about soulmaking is that everyone craves it- an enlarged imaginative perception of themselves and the world, a deeper emotional connection to their own heart and to the hearts of others, a wilder capacity for joy- and yet we have almost no societally sanctioned space for this endeavor. — Carolyn Elliott

In order to start our mythic journey to end our suffering, we need to enter into a real and dynamic dialogue with our hearts. Start by writing a letter to your heart, telling it all that's going on with you now and asking it for guidance. — Carolyn Elliott

As you see the patterns and meaning emerge in your own personal experience of the world dream, you begin to realize that everything is happening on your behalf, even the obstacles and the challenges that you experiment with. The obstacles and challenges that you find are there to dare you to become vast and wise enough to surmount them. At this stage, it helps to ask yourself: What is the myth I'm living? And what must I do to live it well? — Carolyn Elliott

As a dreamer, you're inevitably called to dream yourself awake using the full resources of your imagination and heart. You may have buried or repressed your season of insight, but it happened, and now you are irrevocably changed. — Carolyn Elliott

The role of your genius spirit is to essentially heal, transform, and evolve consciousness. — Carolyn Elliott

We begin to become divine by learning to love like the divine loves. And how does the divine love? It loves everyone-including you-freely and without conditions. — Carolyn Elliott

As we dreamers make our souls into evolved fields, our genius is nutured and our presence and everything we create becomes charged and capable of positively altering the fields of others. In this process, we become more essentially human-which is to say, paradoxically, more divine. — Carolyn Elliott

The genius craves inspiration: she craves altered states and fresh perceptions. She will have them either through evolving closer to the divine or through devolving lower into the world. This is how some people with great genius come to die of drug and alcohol addiction: they seek inspiration by intoxication and are thereby ruined. — Carolyn Elliott