Caroline George Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 30 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Caroline George.
Famous Quotes By Caroline George

I twist and pin my hair at the nape of my neck, and then stand with legs wide. It's what Nash told me to do before speaking because men, no matter how many times they profess women are equal, prefer to take direction from bodies like theirs. — Caroline George

There comes a moment when we must choose how we're going to love someone. Some forms of love leave a sweet memory once they're gone, others leave scars. But there are forms that when stolen, destroy part of who we are - love that transforms us. — Caroline George

Boys are unpredictable and stupid and brash. They do creepy, stalkerish things because they believe in extreme measures. They love to the fullest and ignore completely. They heal hearts and grind them to dust. To have nothing from a boy is devastating, but when he gives his all, the world becomes an electric place, and that is why women love them so - their all is worth the risk. — Caroline George

After the end of the world, there is a world. Life doesn't stop. It changes. And it changes me. — Caroline George

I am strong and human with a mouth that works like a man's and a more intelligible brain, and I demand to be heard. — Caroline George

Men tend to treat women as fragile creatures, but our bodies were built to withstand pain and hard work, think with profound insight. We were created to do what men can't. And if that isn't reason enough for us to be treated equal, I'm not sure what is. — Caroline George

Every moment of contact between us seems important - every glance, every touch, every word. I don't understand him, but I know him, and he knows me. It's this strange connection we share. No matter how often we fight, lie, make mistakes, I choose him and deep down, I think he chooses me, too. — Caroline George

Memories tell me who I was, not who I'll become. They don't fix the present any more than they fix the past. — Caroline George

It wouldn't be very ladylike to punch a guy in the balls, but it isn't very manlike to harass a woman because she has different parts and a sweet face. — Caroline George

Dogs are like that, I guess - they know how to fix you without ever saying a word. — Caroline George

Missing someone is the worst form of torture because it never goes away no matter where you are or what you do with your life. When a person is gone and all you have of them is a fuzzy recollection of what it was like to hear your phone buzz with texts from them, the joy you experienced while in their company, that instance when the bond you shared shattered, you long for all that was lost and could've been gained. You have memories and nothing more. And no matter how much times passes, you still feel the ache of their absence whenever they rise into your thoughts. Torture. — Caroline George

You don't know what love is until you find it," he whispered, "but when you do, promise me you won't let it go. Promise you'll seek it out even when you're scared it'll hurt. — Caroline George

I know who you are," Jack whispers. "I've always known you." His hands glide up my arms, from the angles of my wrists to the creases of my elbows. He presses his mouth to my left ear - I shiver from his breath. "You're a force to be reckoned with. — Caroline George

We're a team. She's the arrow, I'm the sword. It's how we work. — Caroline George

To describe a kiss is to describe a diary entry or a pair of underwear - each is personal and private, slightly awkward. Very awkward. But necessary. — Caroline George

To cherish my purity and set boundaries are, in my opinion, the highest forms of feminism - a woman who saves her body proves she is strong and secure enough to resist the men who seek to claim her, that she's more than what lies between her legs. — Caroline George

Are you real?" Stupid. Of course he's real.
"Yes, Julie. I'm not the mystical man from your dreams. — Caroline George

If a boy can manage to have coffee with me during the apocalypse, I know he cares. There's not a speck of doubt in my mind. He must care. — Caroline George

Welcome to the apocalypse. Where make-do is a motto and life seems wrong, out-of-place. Where the weak become strong because they have no other choice. — Caroline George

Coffee first. Save the world later. — Caroline George

Our surroundings fade and we exist in unison, two people who once shared cups of coffee, unprecedentedly ourselves in a changing world. — Caroline George

The truth is crazier than lies because lies are required to stick to possibilities - the truth isn't. — Caroline George

When you find a truth that surpasses your desire to fit trends and meet approval, you can be certain it's worth fighting to spread. — Caroline George

I'd rather not know what lies ahead because I like the dark. I like thinking there is something good in the places I can't see. And that's not ignorance. That's just hope. — Caroline George

Yes," I whisper so the others won't hear, "but being afraid is good because it means I still have more to lose. — Caroline George

Revenge is a lie we fabricate to ease our consciences. But like two negatives can never equal a positive, two wrong deeds cannot make a right. They only screw-up the equation. — Caroline George

The world doesn't change because the sun sets and rises. We can either adapt to survive our circumstance or we can change it. And I know we can't control fate, but I'm sure not going to spend whatever time I have left sitting around and waiting for my life to get better. — Caroline George

Never has it been inappropriate for a girl to wear a red dress. — Caroline George