Caroline Cairn Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 5 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Caroline Cairn.
Famous Quotes By Caroline Cairn

How this woman had managed to get under his skin and claw her way inside was a mystery.
He couldn't leave her there though. His entire being was screaming at him to get her out. — Caroline Cairn

I don't put bad people in the Void, Blayne. Only the guilty ones. — Caroline Cairn

It's not that he hated the wooden cube. It's what was inside it that he didn't like. — Caroline Cairn

In the light, he looked like a fallen angel asked to return to Hell. — Caroline Cairn

Don't run away from me, Logan. I'm not sure why you're scared every time I try and show you some kindness, but don't reject me. It's not easy for me either. I'm not a natural. I've forgotten how it feels to put down the barriers and let someone in. — Caroline Cairn