Carol Higgins Clark Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 4 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Carol Higgins Clark.
Famous Quotes By Carol Higgins Clark

A writer is always observant, of course ... You can take the kernel of something - part of it - and use it in a book. — Carol Higgins Clark

Never lose your sense of humor. Tomorrow could be worse. — Carol Higgins Clark

The acting background helped a lot when I started writing. I was training for it. In acting class they teach you about the stakes in a scene (and) what motivates characters. When you bring a scene to class - as an actor with your scene partner - you have to do everything. There's no producer, set decorator or anything like that. You and you partner have to do everything and that's kind of like facing the blank page as a writer. — Carol Higgins Clark

I think people are tired of the CSI/SVU style of lurid and gory crime dramas. I believe there's a craving for lighter shows featuring detective characters who are fun to watch. I think people would welcome that kind of show. — Carol Higgins Clark