Brando Skyhorse Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 6 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Brando Skyhorse.
Famous Quotes By Brando Skyhorse
When you're a child, you think your family works in a straight line. Then you get older and find out where the curves are. — Brando Skyhorse
Faith is a luxury for those who are able to ignore what the rest of us must see every day. Pessimism, distrust, and irony are the holy trinity of my religion, irony in particular. — Brando Skyhorse
There is no elegy for those who have been dispossessed of their anger
what remains is a future carved out of banality instead of blood. — Brando Skyhorse
Beat sprouts, I croaked, ashamed I'd reached a point in my life where I had to make decisions like choosing between bean sprouts or potato chips (and then going with fucking bean sprouts!). — Brando Skyhorse
an amaranthine valley of orange groves — Brando Skyhorse
The time between your first major fight with your best friend until you make up is, for a teenage girl, about as long as it took for God to create the universe ... It's excellent training for having a boyfriend. — Brando Skyhorse