Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 7 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock.
Famous Quotes By Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock

Because isn't that how forever happens- instantly? — Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock

Catholics are pretty good at keeping Jesus nailed to that cross, rather than focusing more on that happy bit where he rose from the dead and freed us from sin and evil. — Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock

Sometimes you can be inserted into another person's life just by witnessing something you were never really supposed to be a part of. — Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock

If the seasons bleed into each other like a watercolor painting, it means not enough fish and berries to last the winter, not enough wood chopped for the stove, not enough meat in the freezer. One year winter came so fast and so hard, the leaves on the birch trees didn't even have time to turn yellow and fall off; they froze solid green on the branches. They clung there for months on skinny skeleton arms, the color so blindingly wrong it was creepy. Every year it's a race between the seasons, and that year fall lost. — Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock

Even after your heart breaks into a million pieces and your baby is gone, I am here to tell you- all around you the world will still go on spinning. — Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock

It's still there- my own heart, cobbled together and a little worse for wear- but it's definitely not all beat out. — Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock