Bill Mallonee Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 4 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Bill Mallonee.
Famous Quotes By Bill Mallonee

I tend to prefer the band thing. I think playing solo is good for about 45 minutes. I remember when I was on my solo tour that I got a chance to play with Martin Stephenson of the Daintees. He's now refashioned himself as almost a delta blues guitar player and he's got all the technique, all the persona and the charisma on stage. I think I do too, but I'm more of a first position strummer guy with a little bit of filigree work. I could listen to him for hours; I could listen to myself playing solo for about half an hour! — Bill Mallonee

The good news doesn't make any sense unless you know what the bad news is first, and the bad news goes pretty deep. — Bill Mallonee

Winnowing is more like a trip to the confessional ... transparent & vulnerable without being sentimental. These songs have elements that are more like prayers & pleas for faith. They're questionings and wrangling in the dark about the journey. — Bill Mallonee