Benjamin Wood Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 13 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Benjamin Wood.
Famous Quotes By Benjamin Wood

The way we envision the stars is by imagining they're attached to a giant invisible sphere surrounding the earth. It is a total fiction, really - just a construction we came up with to help us get our heads around the complexity of it all ... The ecliptic, put simply is the plane of the earth's orbit around the sun. But since we all live here on earth, we observe the sun to be moving along this plane instead. Why? Because what would be the point of looking at things from the perspective of the sun? That's no use to anyone ... Ergo, it's an imaginary circle, as it's only a part of our human construction of the cosmos. — Benjamin Wood

If you construct a room in paint, you haunt it. Your life rests in every stroke. So paint only the rooms that you can bear to occupy forever. Or paint the stars instead. — Benjamin Wood

Genius does not have time to stand admiring its reflection; it has too much work to get finished. — Benjamin Wood

There is no finer company than inspiration, but its very goodness will leave you heartsick when it goes. So do not waste time asking it to wipe its feet. Embrace it at the treshold. — Benjamin Wood

Sometimes, you can hold a grudge for so long you forget why you were holding onto it. And before you know it, half a lifetime has gone by and all you've got is a empty fist and a lot of regret. — Benjamin Wood

Once you surrender to hope, its a long road back to reason. There was a certain tone of self-loathing in the way Crest said it. — Benjamin Wood

Actually, I think it's the opposite. We know each other so well there isn't anything left to say. Sometimes it's nice just sitting here with you all, thinking. It's only best friends who can be comfortable with silence, wouldn't you say? — Benjamin Wood

Doggedness in art is no substitute for inspiration. — Benjamin Wood

And Oscar would tell the old man his only regret: that he was living the unremarkable life his parents had always expected from him. — Benjamin Wood

Oscar was raised to believe that if he stayed in his room reading about made up worlds it meant he didn't appreciate the life he had, the possessions his parents had worked hard for, like the TV and the video and the newly turfed back garden. — Benjamin Wood

If you don't have the ambition to be the very best at what you do, then what's the point? If you aim for greatness but keep missing -- fine. At least you had the guts to aim. There's honour in failing that way. But there's nothing honourable about settling for mediocrity. — Benjamin Wood

My theory is that hope is a form of madness. A benevolent one, sure, but madness all the same. Like an irrational superstition
broken mirrors and so forth
hope's not based on any kind of logic, it's just unfettered optimism, grounded in nothing but faith in things beyond our control. — Benjamin Wood

Once your best story's told it, can't be told again. It makes you, then it ruins you. — Benjamin Wood