Benjamin DeVries Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 1 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Benjamin DeVries.
Famous Quotes By Benjamin DeVries

maybe god created us because his own awareness of beauty and truth was so overwhelming that he couldn't keep it to himself any longer, like an artist who bubbles over with desire to communicate to someone else. but god isn't limited to smaller forms like we are.
if he desired at all to create it must be so intensely beautiful as to surpass human imagination. they say that everything was made for his glory, and this has often been presented as a sterile or an unsympathetic thing. but when you have found beauty or created it, you desire to share it with someone else, and maybe he created us to be admirers of this intricacy as well.
and the beauty would somehow be only a token of knowing him. — Benjamin DeVries