Bee Ridgway Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 7 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Bee Ridgway.
Famous Quotes By Bee Ridgway

Human emotion. Millions of souls, together they make the mood of a certain time. It doesn't matter that they disagree, that they hate, that they fight. All together they create it, this thing. This epoch. Times of war. Times of famine. Times of wealth and happiness. The mood of an era. What is stronger than that? — Bee Ridgway

I am not interested in your fine calibrations of empathy or your great mission to protect the river of history. I just to live my own life, and I want to spend it having my own private fucked-up little emotions. — Bee Ridgway

You know the funny thing about the end of the world, my old friend? We always talk about it as if it hasn't happened already. Because of course the world has ended many times. And when it ends for some people, other people report it in the papers or on TV as a new beginning. — Bee Ridgway

No man is a man until he is made weak by a woman. — Bee Ridgway

Don't want to think about it? No problem. Don't think about it. — Bee Ridgway

Arkady's smile was probably intended to be reassuring, but it was a trifle too wide; with his wild white hair sticking out from under his curly brimmed beaver hat he looked slightly manic, like Christopher Lloyd in 'Back to the Future', a film Nick had finally stopped renting after the girl at the video store started calling him 'Marty McFly'. — Bee Ridgway

Sex only makes people more like themselves. A powerful, secretive woman becomes only more powerful and more secretive in the throes of passion. — Bee Ridgway