Famous Quotes & Sayings

Barbara O'Connor Quotes & Sayings

Enjoy the top 6 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Barbara O'Connor.

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Famous Quotes By Barbara O'Connor

Barbara O'Connor Quotes 1708819

Sometimes the trail you leave behind you is more important than the path ahead of you. — Barbara O'Connor

Barbara O'Connor Quotes 155992

On the line beside Describe your family, I wrote, "Bad."

What is your favorite subject in school? "None."

List three of your favorite activities. "Soccer, ballet, and fighting."

Two of those favorite activities were lies but one of them was the truth.

I am fond of fighting. — Barbara O'Connor

Barbara O'Connor Quotes 826694

Put the baby on the paper. — Barbara O'Connor

Barbara O'Connor Quotes 1068309

And then she got a bad, bad feeling because she realized she had been wrong.
You can fool a person.
You can fool a dog.
You can fool a cat or a horse or a teacher or a friend.
But you cannot ever fool a heart. — Barbara O'Connor

Barbara O'Connor Quotes 1427346

You'd think that a redheaded boy with glasses who was named Howard and had an up-down walk would have a lot more to wish for than being friends with me. But I admit I felt a smile on my face and hope in my heart, 'cause maybe wishes really do come true. Maybe some wishes just take longer than others. — Barbara O'Connor

Barbara O'Connor Quotes 1863687

Well, you know, life marches on. And sometimes we have to join the parade whether we want to or not. — Barbara O'Connor