Anu Garg Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 6 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Anu Garg.
Famous Quotes By Anu Garg

Words in a person's word stock are like paints on a palette. It helps to have just the right shade when you need it. — Anu Garg

In modern times, dogs may be pampered, but historically, a dog's life wasn't much to bark about. Hence a dog's chance is a small chance. — Anu Garg

Hindi is my mother tongue. Even though I do not get to use it as often, it's still a part of me. — Anu Garg

Perhaps it's no coincidence that the word words is an anagram of sword. Well-used words cut through ambiguity and confusion like a sharp sword in the hands of an expert swordsman. — Anu Garg

To understand a word, we need to learn where it was born, what paths it took to reach where it is today, and how it has changed along the way. The word 'nice' is a positive word today, but hundreds of years ago, it meant 'stupid.' — Anu Garg

No matter where we live, we have to use words. Once you've been looking into words, their stories, it's easy to fall in love with them. — Anu Garg