Anne-Rae Vasquez Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 11 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Anne-Rae Vasquez.
Famous Quotes By Anne-Rae Vasquez

Writing is emotional ... it is baring your soul to the world and waiting for someone to acknowledge and love it, or shun and hate it, or worse be indifferent about it. — Anne-Rae Vasquez

He said, "You need not go to a place to talk to God. He is here. Everywhere." He raised his hands up to the sky to emphasize his point. "Yes, you're right," she said, — Anne-Rae Vasquez

Check other sources before believing mainstream media.Seek the truth. — Anne-Rae Vasquez

War of words. We are influenced by the western media. But is what we hear the truth or just PR campaigns for governments? — Anne-Rae Vasquez

MISSION ONE ACCOMPLISHED. The next challenge was bringing in online gamers to join him on his crusade. How was he going to convince online gamers to leave the privacy of their virtual world to work with others in the real world?
Harry Doubt — Anne-Rae Vasquez

Like JJ Abrams, creators just want to tell a story and entertain people. So why only focus in one way of telling it?Give readers another way to connect with your story. Entertainment does not need to be contained in one medium. Think about telling your story in many mediums. — Anne-Rae Vasquez

Suddenly, a high-pitched sound blasted into the room. The floor began shaking beneath her feet. She paused for a moment, wondering if she was causing this. — Anne-Rae Vasquez

Creativity and expression of one's art can only be measured by the audience to whom it was intended for. Not everyone is going to like my "art" and I don't really care about that. — Anne-Rae Vasquez

There are rules to the game but I don't believe that we need to be bound by them. If it feels appropriate to follow the rules, then by all means, follow them. If it feels better to break the rules, be creative and do it. — Anne-Rae Vasquez

Love or hate my work. I write not to impress. It's just in me to give. — Anne-Rae Vasquez