AnnaLisa Grant Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 14 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by AnnaLisa Grant.
Famous Quotes By AnnaLisa Grant

A book can tell you all the emotions and subtext that are so rarely aptly portrayed in film. You understand the nuances of each character. You breathe every breath with them and cry every tear. — AnnaLisa Grant

Gram and Gramps never spoke of them either. I guess that bridge got burned, too. Hell, Gram probably poured the gasoline and lit the match herself! — AnnaLisa Grant

life pretending to be someone they're not." He — AnnaLisa Grant

So far my uncle and aunt, Luke and Claire, have shown me more kindnesses in the last 24 hours than my grandmother did in the two years I lived with them before she died. They remind me of my parents in this, which fills me with more excitement than I know how to express. — AnnaLisa Grant

Avid readers are a breed of their own, and we're often accused of being heady. I don't care. I love books and can devour one in a whole day if I'm allowed. — AnnaLisa Grant

Around and then leave through the front door, never looking back. I walk — AnnaLisa Grant

You can be strong but sometimes the loneliness is so overwhelming that you don't know if you'll be able to take another breath. — AnnaLisa Grant

I guess just because you're family doesn't mean you have to be friends. — AnnaLisa Grant

Welling up in my eyes, and then wipe my forehead too so it looks like I was just sweating. "Yeah. I'm ready." I declined the idea of having some kind of reception after the funeral. I hated the idea of everyone mingling around, eating casseroles and pie, and talking about Gramps in a steady stream of past tense phrases and stories. Gramps' death didn't need to take up everyone's day, either. When we arrive back at the house — AnnaLisa Grant

Sometimes I wish I could sleep forever, but that would mean dreaming forever ... and I just can't risk that. — AnnaLisa Grant

They were structured, but let me do almost anything I wanted. I don't mean I was allowed to stay up until three in the morning. I mean that whatever I wanted to do or try, they let me. It was great because it made me feel like they loved me enough to understand I was my own person. It was terrible at the same time because sometimes, after I failed miserably, I wished they would have shown some parental insight and protected me from getting hurt. But ... they were always there to celebrate or pick up the pieces. — AnnaLisa Grant

I always prefer fiction. Anything else feels like homework. — AnnaLisa Grant

have lied to him. I've already planned on becoming the weird, — AnnaLisa Grant