Andy Dick Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 34 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Andy Dick.
Famous Quotes By Andy Dick

I never really worked with Chris Farley, I hung out with him, but I had plans, I had big plans, movies, and I was in no hurry. — Andy Dick

He very nearly stole a scene in my movie, and I didn't call him on it because I was just like, Hey, I saw some stuff on SuperDeluxe and how many different films do you have on there? And he goes, This one, this one, Comedy by Numbers and this one and one called 'Bob Pitches a Movie.' And I'm like, Oh! And then I was thinking he would say, which is very similar to the one to the one I did in your movie, but he never did. I just let it go. I don't care. — Andy Dick

I know it's corny, but laughter is a two-way gift, and hearing people laugh just warms me through and through. — Andy Dick

I say, 'I'm bi, my love knows no gender,' and the straight community says, 'Oh right, that's just a cover-up - you're gay!' And the gay community says, 'Yeah right, that's just a cover-up - you're gay.' They both want to push me gay. — Andy Dick

People love to hate. I have a love-hate relationship with the world. The world loves to hate me. — Andy Dick

I'm really ultra-affected by things, I feel things deeper, and I cry at the drop of a hat, and offended and sensitive and I'm almost paranoid very easily, and that's who I am. — Andy Dick

I definitely know that I play the part, however big or small, in the deaths of at least two people, Chris Farley and Phil Hartmann. — Andy Dick

Straight people say, 'You know you're just gay,' and gay people say, 'You know you're just gay.' There is such a thing as bisexual! — Andy Dick

I believed in God my whole life, and then strayed away from it in my teen-age years, until recently. — Andy Dick

Before I was known, I would go on stage and pretend I was other people. Once I pretended I was mentally handicapped. It was really wrong. One time I was a bad magician. And one time I pretended I was a Christian comic. — Andy Dick

There are all kinds of addictions, and I've got every single one. If you set me in front of anything, I will do it until I ram it into the ground and it's done working for me. — Andy Dick

I went to network on a handful of pilots, and going to network is the most stressful situation anybody can ever be in. You're supposed to be on point, you're supposed to be at the top of your game, the funniest you can be, in about five minutes, in front of people wearing suits who really don't care, and they've probably already picked their person, but they have to see a handful just to satisfy the process. It's the most horrible, horrible process known to man. I wouldn't want anybody to go through it. — Andy Dick

Yes, I direct commercials as well. I get these really weird offers and then I have to bid on them and win the job. One offer that I have now, and I've already done this last year for the same company, is for Cash Value Cheese, this cheese out in the midwest. I did two spots for them last year and I'm going to probably do three this year. I also did some for the Utah Transit Authority, which was weird and interesting and they turned out really funny - they actually won an award. — Andy Dick

The Internet is a great place to find unconventional comedy that you can't find anywhere else. — Andy Dick

I love being recognized. I love talking with - can I say 'fans'? — Andy Dick

Guilt is a weird thing to me. I don't have a lot of it. — Andy Dick

I believed in God my whole life. — Andy Dick

I guess I'm odd-looking. I'm skinny. But I'm not only skinny - I'm oddly shaped. — Andy Dick

My parents just neglected me, I wasn't abused or anything. — Andy Dick

I wish over the years I had kept my private life private and my professional life a little more professional. — Andy Dick

I have a spiritual advisor I call up, when I just feel lost. Lately, I've been talking to God. I developed this dialogue in rehab, this dialogue with God, and every day I talk to God. — Andy Dick

There are atheists and Christians, and there are people in both groups who are a little too heavy-handed. — Andy Dick

In terms of being vulgar, I don't think you need to be violent unless it's slapstick, violence to yourself. That can be funny - we've all tripped and fallen on our faces. — Andy Dick

I've always been with God, even in my darkest hour. That is why I say I am alive. I mean, I should have died a number of times. — Andy Dick

I really have to edit myself - I need someone with a censor button around me all the time. I'm just a little unaware of what's deemed appropriate. — Andy Dick

When I was a kid, I was afraid of other kids. — Andy Dick

I used to steal a lot. But I don't do that anymore, because I believe in karma. — Andy Dick

I know what you wanted to say, Do you think that electrocution rewired your brain to make you the retard that you are? You can say it, lady. — Andy Dick

I had no blood relatives till I made some. — Andy Dick

I grew up Presbyterian, just a basic Protestant upbringing. There were years in my life when I would go to church every Sunday and to Sunday school. Then I just phased out of it. — Andy Dick

I laugh when I see people in pain. Sometimes I think it is a defense mechanism from childhood, where you're in so much pain you have to laugh. It is a survival mechanism. — Andy Dick