Andrew Barrett Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 20 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Andrew Barrett.
Famous Quotes By Andrew Barrett

She smiled as though someone had just offered her, the oldest virgin in town, a fully functioning Kingsize Vibro vibrator and a deluxe inhibition bypass. — Andrew Barrett

He couldn't read her these days; it was as though she'd been taken away from him, and in her place some alien had dropped a figure that looked like Alice, but was a cheap imitation of her with half the emotions missing or malfunctioning. — Andrew Barrett

Like a submarine ejecting ballast, he bobbed to the surface as another sense pulled his eyelids all the way open like roller blinds in the old cartoons. — Andrew Barrett

No one mentioned the sad piece of tinsel, naked in places, hanging across the chimneybreast, nor that Twelfth Night was a week ago. No one mentioned the two Christmas cards on the mantelpiece. No one mentioned them because inside they were blank. — Andrew Barrett

... but his problem was infinity; his problem was time running along the x-axis versus stress running along the y-axis, and there never seemed to be time without stress. Stress was a constant. — Andrew Barrett

I am not their f*****g entertainment. And I am not a f*****g hero! Given the choice, a hero would do exactly the same again. I wouldn't. Okay? — Andrew Barrett

Oh God, please, I have to, please, just once more; I have to see her again. He marched onwards, his crippled leg dragging behind; his good leg hauling his exhausted body through the kind of pain he didn't think existed. He reached out, grasped clumps of hope with bloodied hands, and pulled himself onwards. — Andrew Barrett

Some things in life could not be solved or even contemplated by a rational mind. Roger's mind, however, had ceased being anywhere near rational about half a bottle of Grand Marnier ago. — Andrew Barrett

Use your intuition. Picture how things happen, why they happen. Don't stick rigidly to first impressions, and once you've read the rule book, throw it away. Better still, burn the bastard. — Andrew Barrett

It had been more or less the same for Jilly. Except that she had her parents there to field any phone calls, to accept the flowers at the door and pick up the cards that dropped like tears through the letterbox. She sat before her dressing table mirror in bra and pants and let time drip away, watching a face she didn't recognise and feeling raw emotions eat away at the drugs she was on. The emotions were gradually winning. — Andrew Barrett

Henry was now very annoyed; he had dug himself into a hole so deep that they didn't make a rope long enough. — Andrew Barrett

Lycos needs to be bought because other suitors will have to pay a higher premium — Andrew Barrett

The bullet smashed through the right lens of Winston's glasses and slammed him back against the lounge wall. Ozzy was expressionless as his old friend slid down the wall leaving a smear of red behind him. Above his creased body, a gob of pale tissue clung onto the light switch. "Aw, Winston," he said, "you did have a brain after all! — Andrew Barrett

People who go to jail breed people who go to jail. — Andrew Barrett

Fear was a wonderful propellant, and such a strong exponent of survival, even at the cost of others. Civility, it seemed, was the first to perish in a disaster. — Andrew Barrett

She had known it was bad, call it a mother's instinct, but she'd known this was the knock that was going to scoop her insides out and leave her barely able to stand; merely a shell with nothing good inside anymore. — Andrew Barrett

The Troll was well over seven feet tall, and smelled of body odour and Germolene. — Andrew Barrett

If you want to kill serious crime, you have to kill serious criminals! — Andrew Barrett

It's called the Santa Claus effect; the holiday period is traditionally a strong cycle. — Andrew Barrett

Far as I know, Legal Aid was invented to help poor people fight wrongs; [the criminals] are abusing the system, and the damned lawyers help them do it. They're all sticking two fingers up at them who pay their taxes. And I'll tell you sommat for free, Sir George, them who pays the taxes are eventually going to get fed up of it. — Andrew Barrett