Alex Johnston Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 3 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Alex Johnston.
Famous Quotes By Alex Johnston

We are delighted that these regulations are now law, and we commend the provincial government for helping put the issue on the front burner. These requirements will push more companies to have the conversations they should be having around board and executive committee diversity and, hopefully, their talent development. Businesses need to tap the full pool of smart, talented people to stay competitive and strengthen our country's economic future. — Alex Johnston

The Irish seem to want their artists to function as surrogate priests - sources of authority, founts of wisdom, people who will offer us free-range organic consolation, you name it. It's not a position I feel comfortable with. — Alex Johnston

The need to engage businesses and decision makers with customers can only increase in importance, and as it does, the market research industry must recognise that engagement is a facet of what we do. — Alex Johnston