Alan Burdick Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 4 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Alan Burdick.
Famous Quotes By Alan Burdick

For the longest time I ignored or dismissed the adage that time flies as we get older because I didn't feel old enough for the "as we get older" clause to apply. Lately, though, I've started to think that I am, and that it does. Time isn't speeding up; it's pace is cruelly steady, a fact of which I am ever more painfully aware. — Alan Burdick

In 1866, when it was noon in Washington, D.C., the official local time in Savannah was 11:43; in Buffalo, 11:52; in Rochester, 11:58; in Philadelphia, 12:07; in New York, 12:12; and in Boston, 12:24. There — Alan Burdick

Our sense of time's passage is rooted not in one region of the brain but results from the combined working of memory, attention, emotion, and other cerebral activities that can't be singularly localized, Time in the brain, like time outside it, is a collective activity. — Alan Burdick

Indeed, he [Augustine] wrote, what we call three tenses are only one. Past, present, and future don't exist per se; they are all present in the mind - in our current memory of past events, in our current attention to the present, and in our current expectation of what's to come. "There are three tenses or times: the present of past things, the present of present things, and the present of future things". — Alan Burdick