AbdulNasir Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 8 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by AbdulNasir.
Famous Quotes By AbdulNasir

Everyone have power of brain but people don't know correctly time of usage. winner just know when, where & how to usage it. — AbdulNasir

Humans have two brains in body if one brain think too much positive then second brain start think positive and second brain name is your heart. — AbdulNasir

If you are small root then easily anyone cut you, make you a big roots which never cut from anybody. — AbdulNasir

Everybody have own life don't copy anyone's life style make your own. — AbdulNasir

Don't think about yourself what you are, just do it because will power and time teach & learn you what you are. — AbdulNasir

When the poverty comes in the room automatically love go from room windows. — AbdulNasir

In the card game you don't know your card lucky for you or bad for you this is depend on your luck. — AbdulNasir

If you see long term profit then say welcome otherwise Goodbye. — AbdulNasir