A.H. Carlisle III Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 11 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by A.H. Carlisle III.
Famous Quotes By A.H. Carlisle III

Never allow your game to be played by someone else's rules. The game you create is the reality you wish to live and that will be the love you do or do not endure. — A.H. Carlisle III

With all of the choices we have in this world, why would you ever spend your time running behind one that is not even willing to walk towards you. Stop wasting time with those who have other priorities, you too have options. -AHCIII — A.H. Carlisle III

When you marry the one whom your soul loves, you die to self so that you live for your partner. - AHC III — A.H. Carlisle III

Have learned in life, there will always be some things that we really want but they are just not ever going to surface in our life. We have to take a bow and keep it moving because you never know the reason why it was not put there. It could simply be because there is something better just waiting. Never chase after people or things, unless it is a common effort. Patience is a virtue, wasted time is a something you will never get back. - AHCIII — A.H. Carlisle III

Until you have experienced the true love of God, you will continue to accept his or her version of love and call it faith. #ChooseToWin — A.H. Carlisle III

If there are trust issues during the dating period, marriage is not going to solve it! #Tip — A.H. Carlisle III

A lot of the signs are evident before the lies start and the actions deviate. Many women do not even want to hear the truth — A.H. Carlisle III

Stop trying to make an X-men out of an Ex man. If he was meant to be super he would have been, leave the past in the past and look to your future. - AHC III — A.H. Carlisle III

It is important for a woman to first, understand her man and his emotional limits. She must then not force him to communicate in a level that is foreign to him but rather in a way that brings meaning to the relationship. This means slowly building on a foundation while slowly increasing communication lines. The more a woman pushes the more a man will pull. Knowing a man's emotional limits will allow a woman to intentionally assert her communication needs, gracefully. — A.H. Carlisle III

Ladies: There are some men who will listen to all of your desires simply to use them to control you. #LearnToDiscern
Listen to what he does, Watch what he says and avoid the heartbreak. — A.H. Carlisle III

If you act like a lady and think like a man, is your man supposed to act like a man and think like a lady? #BeWhoGodMadeYou — A.H. Carlisle III